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Typescript 4.2 常用新特性

元组类型中的前导 / 中间剩余元素


interface Clown {
interface Joker {
let StealersWheel: [...Clown[], "me", ...Joker[]];
// ~~~~~~~~~~ Error!
// A rest element cannot follow another rest element.
let StringsAndMaybeBoolean: [...string[], boolean?];
// ~~~~~~~~ Error!
// An optional element cannot follow a rest element.


declare function doStuff(...args: [...names: string[], shouldCapitalize: boolean]): void;
doStuff(/*shouldCapitalize:*/ false)
doStuff("fee", "fi", "fo", "fum", /*shouldCapitalize:*/ true);

针对 in 操作符的更严格的检查

在 JavaScript 中,在 in 操作符右侧使用一个非对象类型是一个运行时错误。TypeScript 4.2 确保这可以在设计时发现这个错误。

"foo" in 42;
// ~~
// error! The right-hand side of an 'in' expression must not be a primitive.



let [_first, second] = getValues();

以前,如果_first 以后从未使用过,TypeScript 会报一个 noUnusedLocals 错误。现在,TypeScript 将意识到,_first 是故意用下划线命名的,因为没有使用它的意图。


TypeScript 的早期版本认为对象的可选属性不能用兼容索引符号赋值。TypeScript 4.2 允许这种赋值。 下面的代码在 4.2 版本中可以正常运行

type WesAndersonWatchCount = {
"Fantastic Mr. Fox"?: number;
"The Royal Tenenbaums"?: number;
"Moonrise Kingdom"?: number;
"The Grand Budapest Hotel"?: number;
declare const wesAndersonWatchCount: WesAndersonWatchCount;
const movieWatchCount: { [key: string]: number } = wesAndersonWatchCount;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ error!
// Type 'WesAndersonWatchCount' is not assignable to type '{ [key: string]: number; }'.
// Property '"Fantastic Mr. Fox"' is incompatible with index signature.
// Type 'number | undefined' is not assignable to type 'number'.
// Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'number'. (2322)

然而,4.2 版本中字符串索引类型不允许对类型中 undefined 的非可选属性进行赋值,也不允许将 undefined 写到特定键:

type BatmanWatchCount = {
"Batman Begins": number | undefined;
"The Dark Knight": number | undefined;
"The Dark Knight Rises": number | undefined;
declare const batmanWatchCount: BatmanWatchCount;
// Still an error in TypeScript 4.2.
// `undefined` is only ignored when properties are marked optional.
const movieWatchCount: { [key: string]: number } = batmanWatchCount;
// Still an error in TypeScript 4.2.
// Index signatures don't implicitly allow explicit `undefined`.
movieWatchCount["It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown"] = undefined;


declare let sortOfArrayish: { [key: number]: string };
declare let numberKeys: { 42?: string };
// Error! Type '{ 42?: string | undefined; }' is not assignable to type '{ [key: number]: string; }'.
sortOfArrayish = numberKeys;